I Was A Victim Of Infobesity


Earlier this year, I consumed almost all the information I came across on social media.

I would join almost every free class I saw online and read about anything that came my way on the internet.

I thought I was helping myself by consuming a lot of information because I have been told that “You are one piece of information away from your success.”. However, I discovered that things were just getting worse for me.

I couldn’t find direction for myself. I couldn’t make good decisions or actions.
I was just so confused and frustrated about almost everything.

It was at this point where I knew I was a victim of infobesity.

Now! What is infobesity?

It is a state that occurs when the amount or intensity of information exceeds the individual’s processing capacity; leading to anxiety and poor decision-making.

You see, I have come to understand that too much of a good thing leads to a bad situation.

As useful as information can be, too much of it can lead to confusion and poor decision-making.


We have to know that there is always a right and wrong for every good thing.

Right and Good Information = Understanding

Infobesity and Wrong information = Confusion

Some young people are confused about which way to go because of INFOBESITY.

They consume too much information.

Don’t allow pressure or trends lead you to acquire so much information just because “you wan make am”.

When you get too information, it makes you lose your common sense.

You begin to do things out of a confused state because information affects your mindset.

To be free from infobesity, you must take things easy and know that no one is after your life.

All that matters is that you live your life to the fullest and the very best.

📌The goal is to be “well informed” and not “over-informed”

📌The goal is that you understand and not get confused

📌The goal is that your life is changed for good and not for bad

Always remember these goals in your search for information.

Please avoid being a CONFUSIONIST, but be a CATALYST


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